We specialize in biomedical studies. We help researchers from all fields of clinical and experimental medicine.
Yes. Please send us a message, and we will propose a solution suited to your data.
Yes. We like working on non-standard problems that require a creative approach. Please send us your data set and let us figure out what analyses are best for your data.
No. We will propose appropriate analyses when we get to know your project. It is best to contact us before you start gathering your data, but if you already have a data set, please send it to us, and we will propose a comprehensive plan.
No. We prepare statistical analyses in all formats.
Yes. Statistical analyses for doctoral dissertations will comprise the results section of your thesis.
Yes. We will correct the analyses for 6 months at no additional charge.
Acceptance of your manuscript depends on several factors, such as the quality of the data, originality of the research, study sample, or personal preferences of reviewers and editors. Therefore, no one can honestly guarantee your paper will be accepted for publication, but we will revise your analyses and manuscript at no charge for 6 months.
Yes. Revisions to our analyses are free for 6 months, including those required after peer review. We also review statistical analyses done by other statisticians.
We accept data stored in nearly all file types. One exception are the default Statistica files, but this software lets you save data in Excel files. Please remove all personal information, such as full names, dates of birth, or personal identification numbers, before sending the data to us.
No. We also clean and organize data sets.
Yes. We will help you write your paper and get it published.
Yes. We will help you write a response letter and revise the manuscript accordingly. If you need additional statistical analyses, we will do them too.